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Funded Projects.


-PRIN 2010: Membrane nanocomposite avanzate ed elettrocatalizzatori innovativi per celle a combustibile ad elettrolita polimerico a lunga durata, NAMED-PEM (97899 Euro)

-FIRB 2010: INCYPIT - INnovative Ceramic and hYbrid materials for Proton conducting fuel cells at Intermediate Temperature: design, characterization and device assembly

- “Development of new materials and demonstration of prototypes of polymer and solid oxide fuel cells” (Young researchers program, Cariplo Foundation, 2005-2009) (450000 Euro).

-CARIPLO Foundation 2007-2009. Nuove membrane micro- e nanocomposite a matrice polimerica per celle a combustibile (200000 Euro).

- “Nuove membrane elettrolitiche nanocomposite a base di liquidi ionici”. (Project CARIPLO Rif. 2006.0688/10.848, 2007-2009) (120000 Euro).

-2010-2012: Project ASTIL funded by Regione Lombardia Italy Brazil cooperation "Studio di materiali e fabbricazione di dimostratori di celle a combustibile a ossidi solidi operanti a temperature intermedie (IT-SOFC) (332.000 Euro).

- “2004-2007: FISR 2001 Project "Sviluppo di membrane protoniche composite e di configurazioni elettrodiche innovative per celle a combustibile con elettrolita polimerico" (429.000 Euro).

-Thin film lithium microbatteries” (MIUR-FIRB, 2007-2010) (95000 Euro).

- “Novel nanomaterials based on conducting glasses for energy conversion/storage devices” (Bilateral project Italia-Polonia 2007-2009, 3 people).

- “Photocatalytic water splitting device for separate hydrogen and oxygen evolution” (Project CARIPLO 2008-2010) (Euro 50000 P.I.).

- “New lithium-air batteries based on ionic liquids” (Italian Ministry of University and Research, 2009, 200000 Euro, 3 research groups from 3 universities).

- “New nanostructured materials for innovative lithium-air, high-energy rechargeable batteries, Project CARIPLO 2010-0506, 200000 Euro).

- CARIPLO Prize on Frontier Research in Chemistry 2011 (Electrochemical NMR microscopy: the last challenge, 165000 Euro).

-2000-2002: Programma ENEA-MURST per la Ricerca Applicata "Batterie ricaricabili al litio con componenti polimerici per l'elettronica di consumo" (150.000.000 Lire).

-1999-2000: Bilateral project with Osaka National Research Istitute (ONRI) di Osaka (Japan) in the development of polymer electrolytes for lithium batteries (international agreeement MURST-MITI). Japanese responsible: Prof. Yuria Saito (15.000.000 Lire).

-2011: Progetto CARIPLO "Toxicology of engineered nanoparticles: analysis of their potential thrombotic, inflammatory and haemolytic effects" (160000 Euro).

-2010-2010: Project "Nanomedicine in ageing-associated prototypic diseases: activation of a scientific and technological platform challenging seminal aspects of pathogenesis, diagnosis and therapy" (ALMAMATER Foundation Pavia, 100000 Euro).

- “From materials science to molecular biomedicine” (Regione Lombardia, 2007-2009, Euro 1000000).

- “From materials science to the development of devices for diagnosis and therapy of age-induced diseases” (Regione Lombardia, 2010-2012, Euro 1000000).

Other Projects:

2012: Research Project: "Analisi morfologiche di superfici di smalto e dentina via Microscopia a Forza Atomica (AFM) e Microscopia a Scansione Elettronica (SEM)", finanziato da Coswell SpA (10.800 Euro, 3 mesi).
2009: Research Project: "Studio dei processi di demineralizzazione/remineralizzazione dello smalto dentale umano mediante microscopia a forza atomica", finanziato da GC Europe N.V. (3000 Euro, 1 mese).

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